wideband delphi technique
The Delphi method relies on experts who are knowledgeable about a certain topic so they can forecast the outcome of future. This method might be applied to estimating effort for items in a work list at either a project level or tasks in an iteration work list. Estimation Techniques Wideband Delphi Wideband Delphi Technique George Ukkuru 2. . It was first developed at the RANK Corporation in the 1940s. The Delphi method also known as the estimate-talk-estimate technique ETE is a systematic and qualitative method of forecasting by collecting opinions from a group of experts through several rounds of questions. It originated from the prediction. A Handbook with Tools describes an effective technique for group estimation called Wideband Delphi. Consensus building can be viewed as an advantage actually you are gathering information from participants - objective could be different in different scenarios. The goal of anonymous es...